IR Microphones and Mix Information
We employed 3 industry standard professional recording microphones:
- Royer R-121
- Sennheiser MD421
- Shure SM57
For bass speaker recording we used:
- AKG D112
- Neumann FET47
- Sennheiser MD421
Plus a Neumann KM84 for an additional F Horn Driver along with a pair of Neumann TLM 107s for the room.
Mic Placements
For each of the spot microphones, there are 6 different types of microphone-specific impulse responses, each one representing a different mic placement. The placement variations are:
- Balanced
- Dark
- Dark 2
- Bright
- Fat
- Thin
Together this provides 18 core IR files per cabinet.
Additionally there are impulse responses recorded by separate room mics (two Neumann TLM 107) that have captured the ambient response of the live room, there are three of these recordings: Left, Right and Stereo.
Open back guitar speaker cabinet options also include a single rear mic ‘SM57 Rear’. This is located in the SM57 folder and is also used on the mix using all mics. We suggest blending this with the front SM57 for a fuller sound.
Bass speaker IRs are supplied with IRs for an HF horn driver, recorded by a Neumann KM84 mic. This is intended for mixing with the cone driver IRs to add some additional high frequency signal to the tone, where required.
Additional Mic Mixes
Also, included in the package for each guitar speaker cabinet type are a number of different mic mixes, each is included twice; tailored for lower and higher gain guitar sounds.
- 4 Microphone mixes:
- R-121+MD421
- R-121+SM57
- MD421+SM57
- and all three together, R-121+MD421+SM57
- All three mics together with room microphones added in both mono and stereo are available.
Included in the bass speaker collection bundle are the following mic mixes:
- 47+84 (Neumann FET47 + Neumann KM84)
- 112+84 (AKG D112 + Neumann KM84)
- 421+84 (Sennheiser MD421 + Neumann KM84)
- 47+421+84 (Sennheiser MD421 + Neumann KM84)
- 47+112+84 (Neumann FET47 + AKG D112 + Neumann KM84)
- 112+421+84 (AKG D112 + Sennheiser MD421 + Neumann KM84)
- All three spot mics together
- All three spot mics together with room microphones added in both mono and stereo
Plus, a selection of style mixes, unique tones created for different playing styles, designed to get you up and running, fast. Choose from:
- Finger Basic
- Finger Warmth Detail
- Slap
- Plectrum Basic
- Plectrum Aggressive