From the Vault

In 1959 Celestion Chief Engineer Les Ward created a specially toughened version of the G12 radio speaker to withstand more heat and mechanical vibration. This speaker evolved into the T530, Alnico Blue: the world’s first speaker designed specifically for use with guitar amplifiers.

Since then the G12 template has spawned near countless variations as it has been tweaked, modified and re-invented, whether to suit increasing amplifier power, or adapt to changing genres, tastes, players and playing styles. On its way to now legendary status, the G12 has articulated many of the most iconic guitar parts of all time, truly laying claim to the title of the ‘Voice of Rock & Roll.’

Here at Celestion we’ve reached deep into our archive and hand-picked some of our favourite vintage guitar speakers, curating a range of truly unique speaker responses you won’t find anywhere else. Ready for you to download genuine vintage tone from the place where it all began.