New Celestion Cream DSRs & IRs – Experience Crème de la Tone


The Celestion range of Dynamic Speaker Responses expands yet again with the addition of the increasingly popular Alnico Cream, available for instant download today. Since the Celestion Cream was launched in 2015, it’s proven to be a hit with guitarists looking for vintage tones backed up with plenty of power. And now you can recreate that tone in digital form, with our latest DSRs and IRs.

So, let’s explore what you can expect from the Celestion Alnico Cream speaker responses.

Celestion Cream Tone

The Celestion Cream is an alnico speaker, with a tone that’s got a lot in common with the Celestion Blue – but has been built to deliver a whole lot more power handling, and with that comes a flavour all of its own.

For clean, lower gain playing, you may find the Blue and the Cream remain tonally quite similar…, dig in a little and straight away you’ll notice them turning a little more raw and “throaty” as distortion starts to kick in, just like you’d expect from a great alnico speaker.

The Cream remains a little smoother, however, while packing extra clarity and definition into the midrange. It’s super-responsive to pick attack and delivers a surprising amount of note separation and detail even at higher levels of gain.

We highly recommend watching the Lance Keltner video in the Listening Resources section below to get an experienced guitarist’s take on the Celestion Cream tone. Lance says:

“The best overall speaker I’ve ever played for clean, dirty rhythm and lead, in one speaker.

…Even though they’re high wattage speakers they react kind of like my old Blues did, where they give up the goods at just the right time, regardless of what the amp’s doing – they’re very touch sensitive and they just gradually move from clean, to slightly dirty, to gain in such a way that’s so pretty you don’t really notice the transition, so it’s a beautiful sounding speaker.

…I won’t be using anything else besides these speakers. They do everything I need them to do, everything from Alnico Blues style chime, up to my old…80 watt Celestions that we used to use in the 80’s and early 90’s that were just incredible on the bottom end. I’m sold!”

Below you’ll find more listening resources for you to hear the Celestion Cream on its own, and in comparison to some of our other guitar speakers.

Celestion Cream Dynamic Speaker Reponses & Impulse Responses

Downloading the Celestion Cream DSRs and IRs is an excellent way to start making some alnico tones without having to invest in the physical speaker – or 2, or 4!

If you’re new to the Celestion speaker response range, the Alnico Cream makes a great starting point, as it gives you classic Celestion tone and handles both clean and high gain playing effortlessly.

But if you already have some of our existing DSRs or IRs, you may be wondering whether to add the Cream to your speaker response library. The Cream offers a distinctive tone all of its own, with noticeable differences to, for example, the Vintage 30, Greenback, and even other Alnico speakers like the Blue – all very well demonstrated on the Hope Pole Studios video listed below. So, grabbing the speaker responses is a great way to expand your range and experience crème de la tone.

Download the new Celestion Alnico Cream DSRs or IRs here or read about the physical Celestion Cream speaker here.

Find out more about SpeakerMix Pro and our range of Dynamic Speaker Responses – and add our newest DSR to your collection today.

Listening Resources:

Listen to the Celestion Alnico Cream

by CelestionUK

Celestion Partner in Tone Reza Moosavi puts the Alnico Cream though its paces.


Celestion Cream

by lancekeltner

Lance tries out the Celestion Cream in a 4×14 cabinet using 2 different guitars.


Celestion Alnico Cream Review

by Hop Pole Studios

A good in-depth description of the Alnico Cream, and a revealing shootout between the Cream, Vintage 30, G12H Creamback and G12H Redback (all now available as IRs).