Bergantino Impulse Response – NXT322 COMBI 2×10 + 1×12 Bass Stack


Have your cake and eat it too! For devotees of the bass stack, the NXT322 features the rich and fulsome tones of the ENXT112 1×12 cab combined with the punch of the NXT210 2×10 cab. We’ve also added in the “Reference” compression tweeter for a natural sounding extension to the high end. As always the audio is  this enhanced by the precision tuning and  high quality tone woods used to build Bergantino’s NXT bass cabinet range.


Celestion have joined forces with Bergantino Audio Systems to faithfully capture in digital form the tones of their superb NXT (X-Treme Neo) series of bass guitar cabinets. Using the same painstaking recording methods we applied to the Celestion bass speaker IRs, our experienced sound engineers have perfectly captured the unique tones of these eight cabinets:

  • NXT112: Closed back 1×12 cabinet with tweeter
  • ENXT112: Closed back 1×12 cabinet without tweeter
  • NXT210: Closed back 2×10 cabinet with tweeter
  • NXV210: Closed back 2×10 cabinet without tweeter
  • NXT212: Closed back 1×12 cabinet with tweeter
  • NXV212: Closed back 1×12 cabinet without tweeter
  • NXT322 Combined 2×10 + 1×12 bass stack with tweeter
  • NXV322 Combined 2×10 + 1×12 bass stack without tweeter

Every Bergantino cabinet impulse response has been sampled using the same pro-quality microphones: a Sennheiser MD421, Neumann U47 FET and AKG D112 – each in six different positions for additional tonal variety, creating an extensive IR library for each speaker cab. Also included is a room mic recording using a Neumann TLM 107.

Each tweeter-loaded cab includes an additional high frequency IR (recorded using a Neumann KM84), which can be used on its own or mixed with one of the other microphones to add an extra bit of ‘zing’ to the top-end.

We’ve also included a selection of extra mic mixes for you to experiment with, including:

  • D112+KM84
  • U47+KM84
  • MD421+KM84
  • D112+MD421+KM84
  • U47+MD421+KM84
  • U47+D112+KM84
  • All mics
  • All mics+Room Stereo
  • All mics+Room Mono

Also included in each cabinet option are Celestion’s unique ‘Playing Style’ IRs which have been optimised for a range of different playing methods: Finger basic, Finger warmth detail, Plectrum (Pick) basic, Plectrum (Pick) aggressive and Slap.

These Bergantino cabinet impulse responses are all delivered in .WAV format for maximum compatibility with a wide range of leading DAWs, amp modellers and profilers.

What does it sound like?

Listen to a sample of this Impulse Response below.