The stunning Blackstar HT 212VOC MKII 2×12 closed back cabinet has two Celestion Seventy 80 speakers stacked vertically. Combined, they offer incredible tone and projection while delivering a tight low-end and punchy, aggressive mids.
Meticulously captured using three pro-quality microphones (the Royer R-121, Shure SM57, and Sennheiser MD421), each mic has been placed in six different positions to offer a range of different tones: Balanced, Bright, Fat, Thin, Dark and Dark 2.
The Blackstar HT 212VOC MKII 2×12 closed cabinet impulse response pack also contains three room mic recordings (with a Neumann TLM 107) with Left, Right and Stereo options, as well as twelve microphone mixes.
This Blackstar cabs impulse response file is downloaded in .WAV format for use on a wide range of plugins and amp modelling software.